I looked for something different and interesting... so... Back to the Beat this Friday, Oct. 6th with DJ Starsign at the Peacock for some soul funk, breaks and hip hop classics!
The Peacock looks a bit shi shi frou frou (I can't believe I just used that phrase)... anyways that means very white. ;) But I'm sure it'll be a good time... let's bring some crunk to this place.
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Ultra-hip Eastside neighborhood boasts one of the most creatively decorated bars of the city.
Walking into this petite bar for the first time can really set someone back. Designed by the now-famous Joel Mozersky, (creator of Oslo, Uchi and the Real World Austin house) the teal and white-encrusted space with matching tchotchkes resembles its namesake. Young urban professionals, hip artists and other in-the-know folk settle in with creatively titled specialty cocktails--a Tailfeather with green tea vodka, sake, and brewed green tea --or choose from one of 13 beers served.
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