AHHS: Can you give your fans a quick bio of yourself?
Idol-C: Yeah, my name is Idol-C. I'm originally from Lubbock, TX but I just relocated here to Austin about a year and half ago. I'm a 25 year old graphic artist, poet, emcee, producer… probably a few other things as well. I just released a solo side-project in February with my good friend DJ Stillness. We are both in the crew Unspoken Levels, which is really our main focus. We've put out 2 albums under Unspoken Levels...and we're currently working on our 3rd album which will be featuring the Gift of Gab and hopefully some other artists as well.
AHHS: Which is your latest CD? and how do you think it differs from your previous works?
Idol-C: The newest album is called Endure, and it's quite a bit different from the albums I've made with Unspoken Levels. All the music on Endure is completely original, where just about everything we make for Unspoken is derived from samples. It's an intimate album focused on the transience of time and the enduring life within. Ha! That probably sounds pretty abstract, but that's how I feel about it. The fans might say something different…
AHHS: What gives you inspiration and how does that transpire into your music?
Idol-C: For this album the biggest inspiration was dealing with pain, enduring what seems to be really hard, and finding peace in the end. It's a universal topic, I'm sure…so I'm hoping that people can relate. I think it ties in to all the pain that every body is feeling right now with the war, fear and uncertainty, the list goes on…it's a very inspiring time for music right now.
AHHS: Which artists inspire you the most? and why?
Idol-C: Oh man, there's so much. I recently heard a quote that goes "There are two types of musicians in this world. Those who are influenced by the Beatles—and liars". So yeah, I gotta give credit to the Beatles, always. The freedom of their music is timeless and it's all focused on
love, which is really important. For this album I was musically influenced by the Postal Service, Radiohead, the Flaming Lips, Busdriver, Nine Inch Nails, Prefuse 73, probably a few others.
Lyrically I would say I got a lot from Sage Francis, Matisyahu, Bob Dylan, Gift of Gab, Ani Difranco, and Joni Mitchell believe it or not. I listen to a ton of music.
AHHS: What has kept you from moving to cities with larger markets? especially since it's only been recently that Houston has blown up.
Idol-C: Well, I just moved here to Austin a couple years ago for that reason…I love the culture here. I think this is the best place to be for music in Texas.
AHHS: How do you see the scene locally? and where do you see it going?
Idol-C: I think the scene is great. I wish there were more hip hop shows coming through, but that's just because I can't get enough. There's a wide variety of hip-hop here and that's what I love about it…the diversity. I just want to see more hip hop oriented festivals and events. There's a great hip hop culture just waiting to be organized.
AHHS: What is your favorite venue to perform at? and why?
Idol-C: I actually haven't been performing that much since I moved here…I've been too busy with making the new album. But I have done a couple shows at the Parish and I gotta say, they have the best sound system I've heard.
AHHS: Can you give us 3 of your most favorite local artists?
Idol-C: The Blue Hit, Ghostland Observatory, and Grimy Styles
AHHS: What is the best piece of advice that someone in the industry has given you?
Idol-C: Gift of Gab told us it's all about the music. Just focus on that. Everything else is secondary.
AHHS: And a more light-hearted question: Have you seen a correlation between your level of success and quality of hoes?
Idol-C: I don't do much gardening…
AHHS: Any parting words?
Idol-C: Yeah, I am giving away my new album for free!!! I have a 1000 copies right now, and I will be around town passing them out to anyone who wants one. You can also order the CD online, and get the MP3s for free at idolc.com. Also, keep an eye out for Unspoken Levels… we're about to hit the scene with as much energy as we can. Thanks for taking the time to hear what I'm about. Hope to see everyone soon. Peace + Love