Talib Kweli Talks About His New Album Ear Drum On
“Tavis Smiley” Tonight.
Rapper Talib Kweli just released his fourth solo album yesterday. The
album Ear Drum is his first album that is recorded under his own record
label, Blacksmith Music. The album features collaborations with Kanye
West, Justin Timberlake, Norah Jones, KRS-One and Roy Ayers. Today Kweli
sat down to talk with Tavis about his new album among other things.
When Tavis Smiley asked Talib Kweli about his new album and how it
compares to his previous albums, Talib Kweli told Tavis that he doesn’t
like to compare albums because “they are like children” meaning he doesn’t
love one more than the other they are just different. The album Ear Drum
he states exemplifies the music that he grew up listening to. Talib Kweli
worked with people such as Kanye West who he feels was influenced by the
same people that he was growing up.
Tavis Smiley also asked Talib Kweli about how he was able to be considered
the best lyricist out there today. Kweli responded by saying that
although he is proud to be associated with artist such as The Roots, Kanye
West, Jay-Z, Common and Mos Def he feels that they have all ventured off
into new avenues such as movies, and acting. While a lot of the other
popular artists have expanded into other areas he worked to “master his
craft of pure lyricism.” For Kweli the draw is lyrics.
Tavis Smiley talked with Kweli about why he started his own label. Kweli
felt that Geffen Records did a poor job in marketing him. On Kweli’s
earlier album’s he had to pay for all of his videos out of his own pocket.
He was discouraged at the fact that other artist such as 50 Cent and
Kanye West started after him and they were reaching higher levels faster.
The fact that other artist were accomplishing more made him revaluate what
he was doing and how he was going at the business.
Kweli also discussed the fact that he grew up with two parents, who both
worked as professors. He said having two parents as educators have made
him gravitate towards other artists who also have professors as parents.
He also has said that having both parents in education has given him a
strong work ethic with out a large financial reward. He said that growing
up and watching his parents give to the community and being involved with
out a large financial reward has taught him the value of being involved
and give back to the community.
You can see the entire interview tonight on “Tavis Smiley.” For show
times you can go to http://www.pbs.org/kcet
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