Saturday, September 03, 2005


A little late, but last Wednesday we crawled over to Tambaleo for some Krunkaoke. It was the first day of the smoking ban in fact they got a scrubbing by some greenies... to be honest... it was actually pretty nice... breathing was easier... clothes smelled clean afterwards... until they let you smoke the good stuff... the smoking ban might not be such a bad thing...

not many people that night... but it didn't matter... the waitress serving us was banging... and everytime she takes your drink order or serves you, she always seems to be posing... damn... :)

there was a steady stream of people going on stage... and most were good... which was a bit disappointing... part of the appeal of going to Krunkaoke is that you can sit back and laugh at the people too drunk to realize that maybe they should think twice about what they are doing... nevertheless... it was a good night... then we went back home to violate our own smoking ban...

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